RetroWARTHINK 023: Face IT: the P-47 is FUGLY! Do Something About It, Seversky!

As much as I admire the P-47 Thunderbolt it is FAT and FUGLY because of its ROUNDED edges. 

The square-edged, P-51 "Mustang" was around then, Mr. Seversky! P-51s TO THIS DAY STILL LOOK LIKE MODERN FIGHTER-BOMBERS!!! Re: the Piper PA-48 "Enforcer"...

The SOLUTION was/is to SQUARE the P-47's vertical stabilizer/tail fin and wing tips.

How hard is that to do if it means the airplane sells and continues in production?

The same thing applies to the P-39 AiraCobra and P-63 KingCobra--and this was even fixed in WW2 with the P-39X!


We will eventually do a "ModelVISION!" WHAT IF? model of a ground-mobile, folding wing, P-47 MUDFIGHTER with contraprops and square features...

Here is another amazing thing revealed by the amazing French WHAT IF? model maker Renaud's SHARKIT: a JET P-47!

Now apply the square edges to look modern....

Need an excuse?

A Great FUNCTIONAL Excuse to LOOK BETTER: 350 MPH B-25 "Super Strafer"


The wing tips were square-cut like a P-51’s, rather than rounded, permitting the ailerons to be extended farther outboard to provide better roll control.

The squared wing tips allowed the ailerons to be extended by one foot, and the control system was changed to lighten the stick forces. 


Semper Airborne!

James Bond is REAL. 


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