RetroWARTHINK 019b: Lazy, Static Land Base Airmen: AVOID D.O.T.G. by Being Ground-Mobile! Transfer Unwanted Transport & CAS Aviation to the U.S. ARMY, Part 2

USAAF Fighter-Bomber Mentality: P-47 Thunderbolt INTERDICTION over Italy WW2: No CAS for You, G.I. Joe! We Don't Think it Works

A lot of people realize GeoStrategic FIREPOWER bombing DOES NOT WORK and didn't compel the German Nazis to quit--they only surrendered to MANEUVER when the aircraft & tank-mechanized Red Army flew their flag over Berlin in 1945. Commander Ian Fleming led Commandos to rescue Nazi 2IC Bormann from Berlin in 1945 in exchange for stolen loot that funded the U.K.'s atomic bomb;

A few people realize the Japanese surrendered because the Soviet Russians free of fighting Germany declared war on them in 1945--NOT because of the 2x atomic bombs the USAAF dropped on Hiroshima/Nagasaki; we had already fire-bomb-incinerated Tokyo and how many bombs it took was moot; it didn't compel the suicidal Japanese to surrender--just go underground. 

B-29 Heavy Bomber Shot-Down by Flak over Japan: No Ejection Seats; Hollywood Star and Real Tough Guy, Charles Bronson was a B-29 Tail Gunner in WW2

What hasn't been discussed (yet) is the NSA 47 (ironic number, yes?) Sabotage of CAS by the USAF giving away all it's CAS battle-proven P-47s away to foreign Air Forces using the excuse that they were too short-ranged--when they damn well knew they had to be forward-located with U.S. ARMY ground maneuver forces to render CAS--which they did NOT want to do--even in the middle of WW2 as the movie below reveals they want to instead do "interdiction". 

Foreign AFs Given Free P-47s (CIA used them to overthrow Guatemala in 1954)

The P-47 continued serving with the U.S. Army Air Forces through 1947, the USAAF Strategic Air Command from 1946 through 1947, the active duty United States Air Force until 1949, and with the Air National Guard until 1953, receiving the designation F-47 in 1948.

P-47s served as spotters for rescue aircraft such as the OA-10 Catalina and Boeing B-17H. In 1950, P-47 Thunderbolts were used to suppress the declaration of independence in Puerto Rico by nationalists during the Jayuya Uprising.

The P-47 was not deployed to Korea for the Korean War. The North American P-51 Mustang was used by the USAF, mainly in the close air support role. Since the Mustang was more vulnerable to being shot down, (and many were lost to anti-aircraft fire), some former P-47 pilots suggested the more durable Thunderbolt should have been sent to Korea in the Mustang's place. However, the P-51D was available in greater numbers in the USAF and ANG inventories.[23]

Due to continued postwar service with U.S. military and foreign operators, a number of P-47s have survived to the present day, and a few are still flying.

The Cuban Air Force took delivery of 29 ex-USAF airframes and spares.

The French Air Force received 446 P-47Ds from 1943. These aircraft saw extensive action in France and Germany and again in the 1950s during the Algerian War of Independence.

After World War II, the Italian Air Force (AMI) received 75 P-47D-25s sent to 5˚ Stormo, and 99 to the 51˚. These machines were delivered between 1947 and 1950.

The U.S. sent 203 P-47Ds to the Soviet Union.[30] In mid-1943, the Soviet high command showed an interest in the P-47B. Three P-47D-10-REs were ferried to the Soviet Air Forces (VVS) via Alaska in March 1944. Two of them were tested in April–May 1944.

After World War II, the Chinese Nationalist Air Force received 102 P-47Ds used during the Chinese Civil War. The Chinese Communists captured five P-47Ds from the Chinese Nationalist forces. In 1948, the Chinese Nationalists employed 70 P-47Ds and 42 P-47Ns brought to Taiwan in 1952. P-47s were used extensively in aerial clashes over the Taiwan Strait between Nationalist and Communist aircraft.[33]


What transpired is a lot of fragile liquid-cooled engine, P-51s were shot-down doing both CAS and the vaunted "interdiction"--the latter having nil effect on the stoical Asians and their pilots dying needlessly over Korea (and seen later Vietnam with fragile turbojets) when air-cooled engine-sturdier, P-47s as-is would have been far better. What should have happened is the U.S. Army Air Corps should have upgraded the USAF un-wanted P-39s, P-47s into MUDFIGHTERS--"MUDBolts" with folding wings for trailer mobility towed by armored half or fully-tracked tanks for co-location with Army ground maneuver units. 

Make the FUGLY but Functionally EFFECTIVE P-39X PRETTY

A second seat fitted for an enlisted AFAC observer/emergency pilot so targets could be better differentiated from friendlies making them Observation/Attack planes and eventual torque-elimination by counter-rotating turboprop MAMBA engines from the U.K. Fairey Gannet ASW plane. The second seat could also act as a pilot trainer.

Had the USAF or USAAC wisely kept doing CAS properly, their MUDFIGHTERS would have been continually improved by down-ward pointing guns to better strafe without diving:

When Vietnam happened, the air-cooled, piston-engined A-1 SkyRaider showed its CAS toughness but ejection seats were hurriedly added as a result of USAF/USN bureaucratic R&D neglect. Torque wasn't solved due to American aviation industry failure to do contra-prop engines (DarkShark SkyRaider upgrade, R2Y Tradewind seaplane transports) and lack of humility to ask for U.K. industry help via their proven MAMBA contraprop system. 

SkyRaider wings DID fold and were ground-mobile but were forward-located to be close to MANEUVER units chasing the open-border South Vietnamese countryside of VC and NVA. Sometimes these big, comfy air bases were attacked leaving aircraft in ashes so inept marines were sent in 1965 to somehow guard them resulting in the hunt VC/NVA free-for-all demanding CAS which was rendered skillfully by pyrotechnic marking by STOL Grasshopper L-19/O-1 Bird Dog and OV-1 Mohawk observation/attack planes HUNTING the enemy for KILLERS like the SkyRaiders and A-37B Dragonflies to drop the necessary napalm firebombs and High Explosive bombs to have effects in closed terrain, vegetated jungles.

Bomb-less attack helicopters with just small HE autocannon and tiny rockets simply were not enough FIREPOWER--and are still today not enough firepower--even with precision direction missiles scoring direct hits when Terrain Firepower Saturation (TFS) is needed against widely-dispersed infantrymen targets.

As Vietnam progressed, had we had MUDFIGHTERS, they could have been armored and turbo-propped like the Piper PA-48 Enforcer derivative of the F-51 Mustang.

The USAF opted to spite the Army instead by getting peacenik Congress to cancel their AH-56 Cheyenne helicopter gunship because it had wings (Blasphemy!!) for aerodynamic help to rotors for speed up from WW1 biplane 100 mph to WW2 300 mph using the Luftwaffe Stuka pilot Hans Rudel-advised OAX (A-10 Thunderbolt II aka Warthog) slow and low armored jet but wrongly without the 2nd seat observer he advocated.

The OV-1 Mohawk was already the near-perfect Observation/Attack/Liaison STOL Grasshopper if a fuselage plug were added to paradrop a recon team or supplies. With tilt-wings it would have been V/TOL or STOVL in a safe & sound system but NO! DoD wanted a new LARA plane program $$$ clean-sheet, new design that would be ground-mobile as USMC Korean War CAS pilot, inventor LTC K.P. Rice wanted by wing span being less than 20 feet. This was changed to 40 feet and the OV-10 Bronco became yet another pampered air base queen. Wing fold anyone?

"Blackhawk Down": No Fixed-Wing CAS!

Fast-forward today--USMIL has no fixed-wing, manned Observation/Attack planes of any kind; impotent helo gunships the Army is too pussified to put wings on lest they incur the wrath of the USAF and its nihilist Congress who both want to play with wars by aircraft FIREPOWER bombing for maximum MILINDCOMP greed. All vulnerable air base/FOB dependent. The USN/Mc is same with bloated aircraft carriers as their floating comfy bases and refusal to disperse & de-centralize air power with seaplanes.


The U.S. military, as a whole, has been exploring concepts of operations in recent years that focus heavily on being able to operate from austere and remote areas with very limited infrastructure in the event that large, established bases are destroyed or are otherwise unavailable.


The unmanned drone offered to do any dirty work men don't find sexy enough to do--which is turning out to be EVERYTHING--including TOP GUN egotism air supremacy--an entire USAF bent on staying safe at an air base remotely flying model planes sometimes into their targets a blue suited version of Army artillery except using aerodynamic lift instead of ballistics--though they have them, too.

Since the USAF still thinks wars can be won by FIREPOWER alone, let's look at their 2nd line of excuses when bombing civilian infrastructure fails: battlefield INTERDICTION.

What led them to believe it is an adjunct to Douhetism?  

1st let's look at the P-47 in detail.

How to Fly the P-47 Pilot Familiarization

Air-Cooled Engine vs. Liquid-Cooled Engine Durability vs. Enemy Ack-Ack

They told the kid, a ‘38’s the thing

It’s got two props and guns that sing.

It’s got plenty of range, and can carry a load

And it’s a friend to have on a combat road.

But, the kid looked up and said in revolt,

“You take your ‘38, I’ll take a ‘Thunderbolt’.”

Then they said, “The Spit’s mighty sweet

And for maneuverability  it can’t be beat.

It met the Luftwaffe at its best

And records show it passed the test.”

But the kid just answered, with a smile and a shrug,

"You take the Spit, I’ll take a ‘Jug'.”

Then they said, “Those two are pretty hot,

But they don’t have what a ‘51’s got.

It’s got the guns and it’s got the speed

And more damned gadgets than you ever need.”

The kid looked up and shook his head

“Keep them both, Mine’s a Jug instead.”


The kid spoke, “Your ‘38s sweet,

Your Spit’s pretty hot and the 51’s neat,

But, listen fellows, I’ll make a bet

Just fly those ships, they’ll kill you yet.

And when you’re up in “Pilot Heaven”

I’ll still be here in a P-4-7.”


--Lt. E. C. Buckley



1 year ago

As I understand it, after WWII, they scrapped gave away to foreign Air Forces the P-47s and kept the P-51s. Which turned out poorly in Korea, where they needed close ground  supportA round in a P-51 radiator took that plane out, but you could shoot off half a P-47's engine and still fly home. [EDITOR: USAF didn't--and still doesn't--give a damn about CAS]


Flak Jack Ed

1 year ago (edited)

The P-47 Thunderbolt has the advantage of an air-cooled R-2800 radial engine. It can take battle damage to a certain extent and continue running. The P-51 Mustang on the other hand, with its liquid-cooled Packard Merlin engine, has the vulnerability of the radiator and the coolant lines. One hit in any of the cooling system components, will result in coolant loss and the engine will overheat and down you go! The P51 D had a compressed Rolls Royce Merlin engine



2 years ago

The P-47 was a mighty aircraft!  It could not only dogfight very well it could also take a licking and keep on ticking.  Unfortunately with that Pratt and Whitney R2800 double stack 18 cylinder engine it was a gas guzzler and couldn't loiter nor fly a complete bomber escort mission like the P-51 Mustang could.


$100, 000 cost

30, 000 man hours to build = @$10/hour = $3M A $100/hour = $30M each today

2, 000 hp 18 cylinder twin Wasp props don't counter-rotate torque crash risk

Constant speed automatic or manual RPMs

41 foot wing span

205 gal 100 aux highly volatile dangerous gasoline behind engine use aux fuel 1st for better trimmed flight afterwards was SOP

No fuel in wings

Short ranged!

300 g @ 100 gal/hour = only 3x hours

1.5 hours out & back aka 300 mile combat radius means P-47s must carry drop tanks and be forward location positioned--hence USAF ditched them in favor of thinner more streamlined, liquid-cooled (and sexier-looking) P-51s with longer ranges--but CAN'T TAKE MUCH ANTI-AIRCRAFT HITS; P-47s should have went to the U.S. ARMY Air Corps as their MUDFIGHTER with folding wings to best handle Korean war CAS needs; eventually up-engined with British MAMBA contraprops like the Ganett had.

60-120 g/hour

275 g/hour max power

Armor protective big engine, steel armor plate behind main fuel tank steel plate behind aux tank

8x .50 cal HMGs manually charged by ground crew

Operation STRANGLE USAF Propaganda Film--Why did they get rid of P-47 as fast as they could at WW2's end instead of armoring/upgrading with folding wings?

"Thunderbolt" 1947

TO & L in pairs onto 6, 000 foot PSP runways of obvious air base--no enemy air threat on Corsica. If forward locations because your fighter-bombers are gas-guzzlers with short-range, then living in primitive conditions in tents/trailers is noted as unwanted for future USAF generations--get rid of the P-47s ASAP!--and get longer-ranged P-51s even if liquid-cooled engine-fragile, and you go down in flames. 

No firefighting equipment so ad hoc USAAF let pilots burn up in unsafe gasoline-powered P-47s when they crash catch fire & explode, burn.

Gun strafing and rocketing OPEN TERRAIN highways where enemy WHEELED trucks couldn't avoid them by cross-country mobility that tracked tanks have. Where were the 20mm, 37mm, 88mm mobile FLAKPANZERS?

Specialty-designed, A-24 or A-25 Shrike Dive bombers with accurate centerline bombs on cradles and dive flaps NOT not needed?

Says who?

Stuka showing bomb-cradle needed to toss bombs during dives and not take-out one's propeller

The P-47s did NOT hit the bridge lacking bomb sights and their bombs on left/right wings instead of centerline.

After missing the bridge, fighter-bomber pilots goof-off strafing trains and buildings suspected storing ammunition. Notice their fixed wing guns DON'T DEPRESS limiting them to just a few seconds of strafing on the target.

Also notice, some P-47s have 3x triple 4.5" rocket launchers under their wings for what type targets? 1" armor penetration.

The M8 was a 4.5-inch (114 mm) [spin-stabilized] rocket developed and used by the United States military during World War II. Produced in the millions, it was fired from both air- and ground-based launchers; it was replaced by the [fin-stabilized] M16 rocket in 1945.

Original priority was given to an air-to-ground version, confidence in the initial results was so high that the USAAF had ordered 3,500 rockets before any had been actually fitted to an aircraft and it was hoped to have them operational in time for Operation TORCH, the invasion of North Africa, in October 1942. The successful launch of an M8 from a Curtiss P-40E [Warhawk] fighter on July 6, 1942 resulted in a procurement order for 600,000 units.

The method of launching the M8 from the wings of fighters were finally solved by the development of an M10 triple-tube launcher made of plastic or alloy. However, the modification required to adapt existing aircraft to carry these launchers was vastly more complicated than that required for the 5-inch High Velocity Aircraft Rocket (HVAR) or "Holy Moses" which had been developed by the U.S. Navy and was better in some respects than the M8 in performance. The M8 was initially available in greater numbers than the HVAR,[8] and was fitted to Lockheed P-38 Lightnings [11] and Republic P-47 Thunderbolts of the USAAF in Italy, Northwest Europe, south-east Asia and Pacific theatres from the second half of 1944, before being gradually replaced by the HVAR. 

5" fin-stabilized rockets under a P-47D Thunderbolt Fighter-Bomber

However, the air-launched rocket was never a popular weapon with U.S. fighter-bomber squadrons in Europe.[12]


No depiction of the 4.5" rocket launchers' use though you see them in leader's flight P-47s like "Hun Hunter XIV".



NSA 47 has been leading America astray since the end of WW2.

If Amerika now under Kommunist Chinese kontrol is to survive, NSA 47 has to be ditched; the CIA/FBI disbanded and the USAF/USMC reduced or eliminated. A Citizen's oversight-controlled return of the moral O.S.S. The Army having its own mini-AF, the USAAC with battlefield KIWI pod transport planes and CAS MUDFIGHTERS. Begin by transferring C-130H/Js and A-10s to the Army for upgrading into OA-10D MUDFIGHTERS.

Buy F-20Vs with VTC and PC-6/UV-20B Turbo Porters with folding wings

Develop of Herk replacement that is amphibious & radar-stealthy.

The USMC reduced to the coastal naval passage defense force for the USN since it wants to neither be initiative-taking thinking Commandos or mechanized amphibious assault forces--let alone inland maneuver groups.  

Semper Airborne!

James Bond is REAL.


  1. Taiwanese P-47s Kick CHICOM Butts:

  2. WW1 Armored MUDFIGHTERS:

  3. Fix the FUGLY P-47!


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