TactiSMART 066: Put-Out an APB: Attack Patrol Blimps


In 1945, the United States Navy had 134 airships served by 4,500 men. Their job was threefold:

* Aerial observation

* Mine detection in front of convoys of boats

* Anti-submarine warfare

A new model, the Goodyear ZPG2, was developed in 1953. Equipped with two 800 horsepower engines, it flew at 136 km / h and was used as a flying radar station. As if to confirm that airships are still useful to the military today, the 70,864 m 3 Sentinel 5000 was under consideration in 1994 for the U.S. Navy to allow observation of low-flying missiles.


The U.S. Navy is completely FUBAR and doesn't know it.

It's a cheapskate, slip-shod, poor imitation of the 1945 Navy which was squared-away (competent) with small & large seaplanes, 100+ small aircraft carriers --SWARMS of aircraft (got an orgasm yet, DoD?) darkening the skies over seas and coastal lands smothering enemy u-boats and surface ships. There were lots of Small, Fast Boats (SFBs) aka PT boats to SWARM foes (wearing a condom, DoD?) from littoral bases but not fully exploited by motherships like the small and large seaplanes had. The CAN-DO Navy had armored battleships that could actually withstand direct hits. The under 10, 000 tons, TIN-CAN-DO  part of the WW2 USN was not so lucky--and it suffered over 200+ ships sunk; thousands of men dying from blasts, fires, drowning, exposure to salt water and sharks.

Guess which part of the WW2 Navy did the USN emulate?

The worst parts--excepting submarines.

Today's TIN CAN'T-DO USN isn't just cruisin' for a bruisin' its sailing zero-assed into oblivion to replay the USS Indianapolis LIGHT cruiser tragedy except this time, 300+ men do NOT get rescued by a brave 1LT in a long-range, seaplane, THEY ALL DIE. Makes the 11M Illuminati psych-sociopaths who think they run the planet smile with glee--another "useless eater" hits the drink to feed the eco-system.

Now the "real visionaries" irresponsibly pontificate the real USN WW2 success story were its long-range attack subs that starved Japanese Soldiers in their island bases--which is true--but since they'll do the same in the next war, a surface navy is not needed at all. Look up the term for "it doesn't follow". Cheap & easy normie way out of a problem--DO LESS or best; DO NOTHING! More money for drugs & bling!

Au contrare, mon frere'!

Are fucking attack subs going to DEFEAT ENEMY AIRCRAFT from sinking civilian ISO shipping container ships and oil tankers? Are they going to escort convoys while hiding under the water? In the rock, paper, scissors of warfare, how is Amerika--supposedly a "maritime" nation as per Mahanian BS going to survive without any maritime commerce? Is Illuminati-sabotaged Amerika building a trans-Siberian and trans-Atlantic tunnel system so it can be a sound, land-centric, Mackinder-based SUPER POWER?



Hell no!

The Illuminati wants Amerika to go to hell where they think they'll watch us all burn with Hillary Clinton and Cunt Harris glee and cackles alongside their master, Satan. All those moral--and immoral (W. Bush neocons)--stoical white racist! haters will burn black for daring to oppose the criminal Illumi-sheeple: black nihilist-hedonist, bling, saggy pants for prison homosex-on-poop invitationing, drugs, crap music and ghetto talk and the other WOKETARDED degenerate tribes that refuse to work to earn a living making GOODS (not bads like drugs) and services. Satan worship that knows there is a supernatural--not the evolutionary no-God, Jurassic Park dinosaurs theme park--is reserved solely for they the elites to gain temporary yummies while here on Earth partying it up; though, I do adore buxom Raquel Welch in a bear-skin bikini in 10, 000whatever years B.C. surrounded by all the Ray Harryhausen stop-motion dinosaurs (my fav is the Tri-ceratops armored ram that existed in God's pre-flood world (dino and human prints are visible in Paluxy, Texas...FOLLOW THE ZIENCE!!!.). I cried--no my whole family cried--when we thought Raquel died in the movie--but am delighted to report she did survive--thanks WIKIPEDIA. She seemed like such a nice lady. Hope she is in real life.

I don't apologize for being and liking NICE.

Part of being NICE--that immoral hedonists don't want to admit to--is WE ARE FUCKING (like the cuss word evil WOKETARD?) TOUGH because if we are not, REAL Raquel Welches get destroyed by REAL monsters--the Illuminati. I like women with nice breasts and many are now sexy Sailors serving on TIN CAN'T-DO death traps--damsels-in-distress. I'll be damned if I'm not going to DO something to FIX that even if I'm NOT EVEN A NAVAL or partially-naval officer aka marine officer anymore. Sheesh. The Illuminati misrun, U.S. Navy is fucked-up and I'm damn tired of myriad fixes being submitted to U.S. Naval Institute PROCEEDINGS magazine (by myself and many others) where they refuse to be published due to Illuminati naval editorial censorship--like my suggestion to put helipads on USS Cyclone class Patrol Coastal ships (even fucking civilian normie yachts have these) that they paid me for the article--then refused to print it--lest pressure be brought to bear TO ACTUALLY DO IT.


Building a TIN CAN-DO Navy, NOW

What can we do TODAY with the crap we have?

The USN is primarily composed of $2B each Arleigh Burke class, under 10, 000 tons, TIN CAN destroyers (Ha! GET DESTROYED is more like it) with over 300x enlistedsheeple on board for their Captains to order around like Captain Kirk in Star Trek that now includes sexy females (but not green ones) to bed; a huge Mahanian 300-geocruiser mentality that puts all those people in mortal risk in Vulnerable Platform, FirePower eXchange warfare (VPFX) because the Navy refuses to operate them as motherships for SFBs and/or Small, Fast Aircraft(s) (SFA) SWARMS (got something to eat from a few minutes ago, ready for another climax, DoD?) to make 1st contact with enemies and fight most of the battle.

Nope. The USN wants to TRANSFER their TIN CAN'T-DO Love & Burn death "boat" aka cruise ships to SHORE where they will be remotely operated--the parties and orgies will be better there, too! Somehow at a $2B+ each expense we'll out-number enemy navies cranking-out $10, 000 each SFBs operating close to their shores and maritime commerce sea lanes? NOT.

A Burke has enough fuel to be roughly 30x days aka a month at sea.

FYI, the ideal surface mothership combatant would be over 20, 000 tons to withstand direct hits and have 2x ski jumps to operate its own F-35B/C semi-stealthy fighter-bombers (eventually new SeaDart-like seaplane fighters) aka upgrading our Iowa Class battleships into Aircraft Battleship Carriers/Cruisers whatever. Nuclear-powered--like the smart Russian Navy Kirov class battlecruisers not needing constant ship refuels from vulnerable tanker ships instead, cracking sea water into hydrogen to power its naval aircraft armed by lasers to reduce HE ordnance resupply demands would be the best--but we are here to fix the TIN CANS we have.


Yet, it only has enough JP-5 aviation fuel for its inefficient, short-ranged, fuel-hoggy, LockMartSikorsky MH-60Rs to fly continuously for 3x days or 83.3 hours to be exact. This means NO Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) for the majority of the love & death cruise and when they do fly they have to toss out expensive sonobuoys and hover to dip actively pinging sonar to have any hope of thwarting enemy attack subs from sinking THEM, then gleefully incinerating all the container ships and oil tankers making huge oil spills far larger than a sexy ditzy Congresswoman OccasioCortezSparks' (I dream) toddler would make in the 2x years of life left before the planet dies according to her Subject Matter Expert, bartender mind. I like sexy bartenders...I love Pina Coladas and all that stuff in the song, did you read my personal ad, Miss Congresswoman?

What the USN needs to prevail on top of the seas is an Attack Patrol Aircraft that can fly continuously for all those month-long days at sea. Since Anti-Gravity Craft (AGC) are reserved for the Illuminati elites to go off-planet and fake an ET visit or invasion,


...this means....drum roll, please:


STFU Civilian Normies. We don't want to hear your ignorant shit. 

That's right, the other WW2-winning, kick-ass weapon system I deliberately didn't mention in the beginning for shock effect now.


Lighter-Than-Air aka LTA. A hybrid airship like the U.S. ARMY almost bought before chickening out as a radio relay so its fucking tactical internet would be even feasible.

Watch how the pussy USN played with bringing back blimps.


After 90 Years, Can U.S. Navy Airships Make A Comeback To Become The ‘Eyes For The Fleet’


Smriti Chaudhary

November 25, 2020

The US Navy’s Akron-class [dirigible] airships — scouting and reconnaissance platforms — were built in the 1930s. The intended use of the airships was to act as “eyes for the fleet”. While the concept of airships is about 90 years old, is it possible that with the modernization of military technology, they might have a resurrection in the 21st century?

Proceedings, the journal of the U.S. Naval Institute, first deliberated on this, saying the airships have the potential to “transform military logistics, command-and-control, and surveillance and reconnaissance”.

In the 1930s, the U.S. Navy commissioned two Akron-class [dirigible] airships. They were 785 feet in length and could go up to a speed of 72 knots carrying 89 crew members, four aircraft, and seven machine guns.

In 1932, during a search exercise with the Scouting Fleet, the Akron was tasked with finding a group of Guantanamo Bay-bound destroyers. After facing initial failure to find the destroyers due to bad weather, Akron succeeded in spotting the light cruiser Raleigh (CL-9) and a dozen destroyers. The airship sighted the second group of destroyers achieving a “qualified success” in its initial test with the Scouting Fleet.

The Navy’s official website quoted historian Richard K. Smith as saying, “Consideration given to the weather, duration of the flight, a track of more than 3,000 miles flown, her material deficiencies, and the rudimentary character of aerial navigation at that date, the Akron’s performance was remarkable.”

“There was not a military airplane in the world in 1932 which could have given the same performance, operating from the same base,” he wrote.

However, in 1933, the Akron crashed killing 73 crew members including Rear Adm. William A. Moffett, the Chief of the Bureau of Aeronautics. Then-President Franklin D. Roosevelt called the accident a “national disaster”.

Two years later, the sister ship Macon crashed killing two people on board and with that, the era of airships ended. [FALSE YOU DUMBFUCK. READ WW2 LTA HISTORY] The Navy moved to aircraft carriers.

LTA Blimp success in WW2 against U-Boats, ooops! Dumbshit Eurasian Times author says USN Gave up on LTA after the Akron/Makron crashes...

In 2005, the U.S. Navy acquired Blimp MZ-3A, a modified Blimp Model A-170. “Due to the size and/or aerodynamic limitations imposed by some of these systems, an airship provides a faster and more consistent development path than ordinarily possible in fixed- or rotary-wing aircraft,” said Doug Abbotts, a spokesman for Naval Air Systems Command.

“The airship also expands the possibilities for developing large multi-dimensional apertures/arrays that aren’t physically achievable with any other airborne technology.”

However, the airship was also grounded in 2013 due to “lack of mission”. [will power, imagination, stupidity]

Now with modern technology, the article argued that attack airships would not replace traditional surface warships [Who the fuck ever said that?] but instead augment them, providing a new layer of distributed lethality to the fleet and support for marines and Soldiers on the ground.

“Airships can screen large swathes of the ocean where enemy contact is unlikely but some friendly sensor presence — backed up by weapons — would be useful. Convoys would gain access to improved situational awareness as well as an airborne antisubmarine warfare capability,” it said.

American Defense manufacturer Lockheed Martin experimented with the idea and created a hybrid airship – P-791. The company claims that the Hybrid Air Vehicle can be designed as an unmanned or manned intelligence gatherer or transport vehicle.

It can fly for up to three weeks at an altitude of 20,000 feet. The airship is equipped with cameras, infrared sensors, communications relays, and other payloads that can scan the whole battlefield.

The journal concluded that the airship if developed today without the "funding" [will power bureaucratic hatred] issues, could carry a battery of several dozen unmanned aerial vehicles [Drone SWARMS! another DoD orgasm!], each equipped with radar, electro-optical, and other sensors, to extend the sensor reach the mothership--and hence the surface fleet.

It could also be equipped with a variety of weapons for use against ships, submarines, lower-performance aircraft such as helicopters, and targets on land. “The aircraft carrier’s future seems fairly secure, but tomorrow’s fleet almost certainly will sail alongside other platforms that project air power in new and innovative ways.”

Says fucking who? From the USN bureaucracy set on self-destruction?



This is not about choosing a wife or GF. It's about FUNCTION. In this case, form must follow FUNCTION--and FAT wins to get LTA buoyant lift. We'll paint Raquel Welch or Eva Green or Jessica Alba Pin-up art on the Attack Patrol Blimp (APB) sides. Several APBs constitute a...SWARM. (DoD did you take Viagra before reading this?) 

Another option though not as sexy =o( is the APBs could be clear see-thru for sky camouflage:


None of this by ad hocery, either. The APBs DOCK into (no condom needed) a MAST with stairs or elevator on the Burke to exchange tired crews for fresh ones, refuel & re-arm. DO NOT GIVE ME THIS IT'S TOO FUCKING HARD TO DO, 20-something civilian normies WHO DON'T KNOW JACK SHIT about the kinetic world we live in and what's possible with good faith EFFORT (work, not WOKE) who have made doing nothing in mom's basement a national epidemical, degenerate lifestyle. APBs are armed with dipping sonar, sonobuoys, homing torpedoes and air-to-air and air-to-ship-surface missiles. Filled with non-flammable (this means it does NOT catch on fire) HELIUM--not the other "h" lighter-than-air gas (remember this from High School chemistry class? Oh, you didn't attend, sorry) it can withstand lots of bullet holes and if falls deflated, lands softly as noted about inflato-planes:



However, all APB crew wear bail-out parachutes and LPU-18 mini-life boats to escape if severly shot-up etc.



Each Burke should own & operate 2x APBs for continuous 24/7/30 operations creating an outer ring around them clear of enemy subs and surface combatants. The Burke's F-35B lightly AAM and autocannon armed for VTOL operations should help defend them from enemy air attacks.


The APBs can also be unmanned, remotely operated, too (DoD born in 1947, has your doctor cleared you for safe sex past the age of 74?). The APBs can air-flight-follow their Burke mothership to her (Navy ships are referred to as her, right?) homeport and land in a hangar and/or be deflated into a shipping container (like Zorin airship in 007 adventure "A View to a Kill") and moved by an armored tracked tank or an armored FMTV half-track cross-country to avoid enemy C4ISR targeting. 


Coast watcher, marine rocket corps troops can guard them from enemy land, horizontal attacks to avoid being D.O.T.G.ed--get that USAF?.  

APB crews would wear distinctive BLUE berets and naval LTA aviator as we propose for SFB Blue Dragons...will it get them Kelly McGillis or Meg Ryan to be their lover as seen in TOP GUN?



GMTA, Again: Military-Imagine with SEE-THRU Clear Skin: New Solar eSTOL Hybrid LTA/HTA Aircraft!

Like we suggested helium in inflatoplanes--which Ryan Taylor suggests be shaped to be Wing-In-Ground effect (WIG) seaplanes for extremely long ranges...


The Solarship's wing-ship design allows for extreme short takeoff and landing (XSTOL or eSTOL), such as in a soccer field. Its design provides a large surface area for solar electric power, allowing long, self- sufficient range. Solarships can also be powered by traditional combustion when solar energy is unavailable. However, the goal is to develop a new mode of transportation that does not depend on fossil fuels, roads, or runways. The Solarship can access areas where planes, trucks, ships, and airships cannot, delivering cargo to the places that are currently cut off from the benefits of the connected world. Each solar plane is designed and built to the requirements of a mission. Currently, there are three initial missions with specific requirements: the Wolverine, the Caracal, and the Nanuq. Solar Ship's active mission, as of December 2015, is Mission Burundi.[5]




Wolverine Cargo Plane

Description: After a decade of testing and evaluating every form of hybrid lift aircraft combining buoyancy and aerodynamic lift, the Wolverine delivers six times more than the payload of a Cessna [208] Caravan at less than half the operating cost of Cessna 172. It carries a 20 foot [ISO shipping BATTLEBOX] container and operates without fossil fuel. It is the ideal cargo delivery vehicle for connecting remote areas with the global economy.

Status: Designed, CFD test & evaluation confirmed specs, flight testing to confirm mission TLRs

Payload   Range   Landing Gear   Propulsion 

9,000 kg   600 km   Amphibious   Electric

Paying attention USN?

Here's your electric Attack Patrtol Blimp (eAPB) that doesn't even need any combustion fuel from its mother surface ship! 

"WOLVERINNNNNNNNE!" (I couldn't resist!)

Semper Airborne!

James Bond is REAL.




PISG: Airships are unreliable for this kind of task because of their sensitivity to wind. In addition, they would clutter the air corridors. Helicopters or satellites are preferred to them, except perhaps over an enemy country. But the French army does not have airships. Besides, why would anyone want to watch Paris?

Comment: The airships would not encumber the air corridors if they were positioned at an altitude of 20 km. The next generation of mobile telephones will be able to use airships positioned at an altitude of 20 km and stabilized by an ion propulsion engine as transmission relays [PLS98 p. 62-63] . The wind therefore seems to be a controllable element. To confirm that airships are still of interest to the army today, let us recall that the Sentinel 5000 was being studied in 1994 for the American Navy in order to allow the observation of missiles flying at low altitude [DMFF98 p. 1709]. The vulnerability of an airship to attack is such that it can actually only be used in friendly and peacetime territory, and certainly not in hostile territory. Monitoring a city like Paris using an airship allows a more discreet observation and a longer autonomy than with helicopters, and an observation resolution more than 1000 times higher than that obtained with a geostationary satellite placed at an altitude of 36,000 km, at an incomparably lower cost. Remember that the implementation of an observation satellite costs a little less than a billion euros. Monitoring Paris to ensure the safety [EDITOR: Illuminati compliance] of the inhabitants seems to us a [ill] legitimate motivation,


12. Airships

As we have seen, it is quite possible that the aerial source of the firing of the particle beam used is an airship.

It was in 1852 that Henri Giffard developed the first steam airship that flew between Paris and Trappes (~ 20 km) at a speed of 7 km / h. In 1883, Albert and Gaston Tissandier flew from Auteuil to Croissy-sur-Seine (~ 12 km) at a speed of 14 km / h, aboard a Siemens electric motor airship powered by batteries. 14 years later, in 1897, the year of the famous wave of "ghost" airships in the United States (which is linked to the UFO file), the 1st rigid  airship took off in Berlin. With a volume of 3700 m 3 , it was powered by an engine explosion of 12 ch. operating 3 propellers. On July 2, 1900, the 1st  of the 119x Zeppelins which left the factory in Friedrichshafen (Germany) contained in an aluminum frame 128 m long 17,000 balloons containing a total of 11,300 m 3 of hydrogen. Two nacelles each carried a 15 hp engine. which allowed it to reach a speed of 29 km / h.

One of the longest rigid-structure airships ever built was the LZ129 Hindenburg. Launched in 1936, it was 245 m long for a volume of 190,000 m 3 of hydrogen. It could carry 20 t of payload at 127 km / h and at an altitude of 250 m.

The highest altitude ever reached by a manned balloon was about 34 km in 1961. By 1917, the zeppelin LZ-101 had already reached the record altitude of 7600 m while trying to escape the English air defense.

In 1945, the United States Navy had 134 airships served by 4,500 men. Their job was threefold:

* Aerial observation

* Mine detection in front of convoys of boats

* Anti-submarine warfare

A new model, the Goodyear ZPG2, was developed in 1953. Equipped with two 800 horsepower engines, it flew at 136 km / h and was used as a flying radar station. As if to confirm that airships are still useful to the military today, the 70,864 m 3 Sentinel 5000 was under consideration in 1994 for the U.S. Navy to allow observation of low-flying missiles.

An airship inflated with helium, an expensive gas but which has the enormous advantage over hydrogen of being non-flammable, can lift 1.1 kg per m 3 of gas. Thus the largest airship being tested today, the Ala 600, can carry around 600 tonnes of cargo at 140 km / h, but at a low altitude [DMFF98 p. 1703 and 1709] .

In our hypothesis of aerial firing of a particle beam , the airship would probably today be at an altitude of more than 20 km allowing it to escape any spotting by an airplane or a civilian radar on the ground and preventing it from dying. ''having to turn on your parking lights at night. To ensure total invisibility against a background of the daytime sky, this airship could be light gray in color and be lit from below so that it does not present any contrast with the luminosity of the sky, according to the 'lights' principle of Yehudi "(see first part § 4). [EDITOR: www.combatreform.org/camie.htm] The ascent or descent of this airship could be performed discreetly at night over a sparsely populated area or offshore on a military vessel.

What might its payload be and could it carry the necessary particle cannon? As it is often observed that the luminous UFO seems to interact with the witnesses, this airship should be equipped with a night vision system (infrared) and a radar imaging system allowing the relief to be seen as in broad daylight. understood through the clouds (but only in black and white). The resolution of these systems at a distance as short as 20 km is today excellent and of the order of a centimeter. To spot approaching planes, the airship should also be equipped with a radar system. Finally, as we sometimes see effects of electromagnetic origin on the witnesses, there could also be on board a microwave laser cannon (maser). Note that it does not seem necessary for the airship to be manned: it could be piloted from the ground. Besides its covert use in the context of the UFO phenomenon, its entirely avowed official mission, at least in the context of the army, could simply be the surveillance of the territory.

It will be necessary to verify that the observed luminous phenomena appear rather in weak wind, which seems necessary for the stability of the shot if it is emitted from an airship.


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