CurrentWARTHINK 001: END the DeMOBcratic Freak Show

CIA-supplied pic of an ANTIFAggott. 

Political Theater

"Overblown reactions, campaign promises that can't be kept, and sensationalized news stories spun in bias so as to create a false narrative during an election cycle; propaganda a political candidate uses to their advantage; a fake attitude to gain supporters such as pandering"

--Urban Dictionary


ALL decent Americans are sick & fucking tired of the DeMOBcratic Party's baby tantrums over losing Simon Says! control over the sheeple in 2016 to President Trump. We are sick & fucking tired of all this whiny SJW shit--so much so that the American people have utterly rejected professional baseball and basketball that has consciously catered to criminal rioters. NASCAR and the NFL are nest to be rejected by the American people. black hedonist rioter criminals are making "demands". Fuck them and the horse they rode in on. 

No, FUCK NO, black hedonist thug-fucks! 

Whoever is advising POTUS Trump has from the beginning told him to TOLERATE increasingly criminal acts of SEDITION against him to bring out the perpetrator's true evil hedonistic colors. 

* Not arresting Griffin and Goldberg for a t-shirt and pic showing Trump being murdered

* Not arresting DeMOBcrat SOTH Pelosi for tearing up an official USG document after Trump's SOTU speech

* Not arresting DeMOBcrat Congressman Schumer for making public death threats against POTUS Trump

The above are NOT 1st Amendment protected FREE SPEECH--they are SEDITIONS and POTUS Trump needs to remember he has more than just himself as a TV celebrity to protect--but also the OFFICE of the POTUS which must not be felony crime attacked. 


We know they are immoral DEEP STATE Illuminati Globalist hedonists. 

They must be removed from ALL positions in American society and placed in prison or executed.

100% Accurate but the FREE MARKET is neither free nor builds moral stoical character as long as the Globalists run it

However, DEEP STATE patron, fatfuck AG Barr is NOT the man to do it. 

He has not arrested a single high-ranking Illuminati for SPYGATE or FISAGATE or their sick pedophile trips to Epstein island. 

Moreover, fatfuck is letting SEDITION turn into armed criminal rebellions in several DeMOBcratic-run urban black hedonist shit holes--even though FEDERAL LAWS are being broken. 

POTUS Trump needs to act like POTUS and uphold American law & order and stop acting like candidate Trump unwilling to ruffle hedonist feathers by arresting them--they are not going to vote for him regardless and their rioting, looting, vandalizing, murdering DEMANDS THEY BE STOPPED & ARRESTED, period. Stop collecting constant public reminders that the Pelosis are evil cunts for your political theater to be cashed-in on election day. 

POTUS Trump is making the same mistakes as JFK did of not acting boldly & decisively hoping to get a free hand in the 2nd term which may not come. POTUS JFK allowed Allen Dulles to remain in charge of the CIA to orchestrate his group ambush assassination in 1963 before there were elections. POTUS Trump IMHO has let the assholes riot for way too long and now his ability to govern is in question. 

Emergency Repairs to End DeMOBcrat Political Theater

Immediately replace do-nothing Barr with someone--anyone who will uphold justice--perhaps Rudy Guiliani.

Declare MARTIAL LAW in the urban shit holes where ANTIfaggotss/black Lies Marxists are encouraged by DeMOBcrat mayors and governors. 

Send in U.S. ARMY troops--the Globalist USMC that begat Mattis/Kelly cannot be trusted--to these urban shit holes where criminal rebellions are underway with NON-LETHAL rubber bullets and lethal ammo to round-up ALL the enemies there--this is NOT a law enforcement problem--it is a MILITARY insurrection and must be ended as such. The rioters need--to paraphrase Napoleon as he ended the similiar FRENCH REVOLUTION's "Reign of Terror"--to get a "whiff of AR15 (grapeshot)".  POTUS Trump the businessman with little military experience beyond being a cadet must see this military rebellion for what it is and not just as DeMOBcrat political theater. 

Find out WHO is sending pallets of bricks to incite riots across America--arrest them the truck drivers on-the-spot and follow the money trail to its likely Rothschild Illuminati Soros source and arrest that fucking evil bastard. 

Permanent Fixes to the American Ship-of-State

We have already detailed that the 1787 U.S. Constitution (USC) has not been updated to safeguard against myriads of Rome-style dirty tricks dating from the 1900 Industrial Age all the way to the current DISinformation Age we live began around 2000 with the 9/11 False Flag Attacks that started a MORAL PANIC. A Baseline of Civilized Behavior (BCB) say the last 5x of the 10x Commandments must become the new American Norm of DECENCY we can all agree on. 

Do NOT Kill

Do NOT Lie

Do NOT Covet

Do NOT Steal

Do NOT commit Adultery. 

The fucktards cry-babying whining and criminally rioting in our urban shit holes do not have a socio-environmental path towards building moral stoical character as long as corporations are Illuminati run--Horatio Alger is long dead. LIFE SKILLS must be taught at least 3 hours each day in High School (HS) and afterwards everyone must do 2 years of National Service (NS) of their choice: military, police, medical, high speed train, conservation, spy, space and restoration corps choices.  
The Restoration Corps is a new/old way to get JUSTice: criminals who destroy must WORK and pay back for the damages they have done aka restitution. The Restoration Corps uses the LIFE SKILLS of carpentry, electrical, plumbing etc. to re-build what was taken away from victims using restitution funds.

Semper Airborne!

James Bond is REAL.  


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